Untangle the Phenomics

The New Age of Life
Science and Medicine

Compared to genomics and transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics (phenomics) are closer to phenotypes, have deeper and wider impacts on precision medicine, and are the crown jewel of life science.

Untangle the Phenomics

Search for the Answer
behind Life and Health

The 20,000 genes of human body are being transcribed, translated, spliced and modified, generating millions of types of proteins and metabolites, which change constantly at real time, with massive amount of information to be mined using revolutionary technology.


The human body is composed of over 20,000 types of genes.


The human body includes millions of conformations of proteins and metabolites

Untangle the Phenomics

The Revolution of Phenomics

We have created a revolutionary high-throughput, multi-dimensional, absolute quantitative phenomics analysis platform, which enables the precision exploration of tens of thousands of proteins, post-translation modification sites and metabolites from micro-samples, as well as the discovery and translation of new biomarkers for diagnosis and therapy, untangling the mysteries of life, and dedicating to realizing precision medicine at the phenotypical level.